Daily Archives: September 22, 2011

Tadoku Contest Round 4 is Coming!

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Now the registration for Tadoku Contest R-4 is open!

Get a twitter account, and tweet like  @TadokuBot #reg #en , and you’re in the contest. (#en means your target language is English, and you’re going to read English books.)

Read, read, read and read whatever you want to.

Watch, watch, watch and watch Drama, Anime  or movies.

Play,play, play and play video games in your target languages.

And tweet how many pages you read, how long you watch anime or play games @TadokuBot,

then the brilliant Bot calculate them for you,

and if you’re interested in other contestants,

you can see what/how they are doing in the ranking page.

Yes, it’s a contest,

but it’s not just a race.

It is an awesome theme park for language learners

where you can meet new friends from all over the world.

The theme is, of ourse, Tadoku.
